Register a Business

Use the form below to submit your business to the registry. After you submit your business, our team will review the request and contact you for any questions or updates.

Your Information

Enter information about yourself here. This information is not shared publicly and is only used by the City Gates team to contact you.
Your first and last name
Please enter the best email address that the City Gates team can contact you at.
The best phone number for City Gates to contact you at.

Business Information

Please enter information about your business here. This information will be publicly available.
Business Name
Phone number for your business
Please enter your primary Business category.
Email you would like to share for visitors to see
The Web Address for your business
If you have a contact link/form where users can reach you, please enter the URL here.
Business Directory
SWANSEA, MA, 02777
(508) 431 8323